Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's 11:00am, and I Feel Like Drinking

I am here to discuss my frustration with prerequisites.

I am so tired of being a part-time student.

You know what that reminds me off? When I was pregnant. I was all like, "I can't wait to give birth already," and Dave would be like, "Just wait. You'll be wishing you were pregnant again when the baby is crying for 5 hours straight."

And then I was like, "God, why do you have to rain on my parade of heartburn and severe pelvic pain?"

Why I'm frustrated specifically is that I need one remaining class, required for entry into BSN programs, and that one final class is one that I have to take during a summer session because all Spring 2011 classes (and wait lists!) are entirely full.

That wouldn't necessarily be a problem. I was thinking that I might have to spend part of my summer, prior to entering nursing school, in the lab. I just didn't think I'd have to spend 12 fucking weeks in the lab. Usually, summer courses are 6 weeks. I spent six weeks last summer learning the lovely principles of General Chemistry II. I survived.

But you might think that 12 weeks would be more manageable, and hence, a better experience, and you'd be right! Completely right!

Unfortunately, there's a beach house in North Carolina with a sizable deposit made on it, ready for rental during the waning days of July. By my family. My entire family.

Do you know how much I'm looking forward to that vacation? Do you know how much my girls are looking forward to that vacation? Do you know we've never taken a long family vacation, other than long weekends to see family?

I know, it's hard to get all worked up over it all on my behalf. One day, I'll be able to take a vacation. Right? Right?

I'm certain I'll have LOTS of time as a full-time nursing student. And then as a nurse, working full-time!

And do you know what happens if I can't manage to get into Microbiology during the summer?

Because I'll be trying to register at 12:01am with the rest of Delaware County and kids in neighboring schools who'd rather pay $500 for a science than $3500 and often times, the registering system crashes and by the time it comes back up, sections are full!

It's so much fun. It's like a virtual stampede, an online mob, and no one gives a fuck about what YOU need, because everyone else needs it too. I am not a special snowflake. I am one flake on a snowy hill filled with flakes.

I'm also feeling a bit selfish, like I just wanted some time to breathe this summer, before diving into the next two years. I'm looking SO forward to these two years, to finally being in nursing school and feeling like I'm getting there, after being in school since 2008. But I just wanted a few weeks to chill. One of those weeks I had intended on spending on the beach with my husband and kids and the rest of my family.

So I'm feeling just a bit annoyed and weepy right now. Really annoyed and weepy.


S said...

Ack. I'm sorry. I wish I could brainstorm a workaround, but I'm pretty sure that if there *were* a workaround, you would have thought of it already.

Indigo Children said...

i would be annoyed too. wish you had a really understanding professor who could let you on to the waiting list -- begging never hurts...

btw -- my sister just graduated from the Thomas Jefferson School of Nursing in Philly (not sure if that is anywhere near you). It has an accelerated program (it took one year) for those who already have bachelor's degrees in something else. I think you can also get a masters there by going one more year.

You probably already know where you are going -- just thought I would mention it.

Anonymous said...

A beer or two at 11:00am is perfectly acceptable when you think you have run out of options. Something (uh? this post perhaps) tells me you are too freaking stressed and the drinking option may actually help you relax a bit. Meanwhile, I hope an unforeseen opportunity arises so you can get in for the spring session. Don't give up hope!

RuthWells said...

How fucking frustrating.

The good news is that I have plenty of wine in the house, and I hope you'll come help me drink it in a few weeks...

Pamela said...

that sucks moose sack.

Rima said...

Oh, no. I'm so sorry. No chance the rental date can be moved? If not, I hope it rains all week.

The Homesteading Hussy said...

you'll be wiping other people's asses soon enough. But your determination is impressive. The beach will be there in the end. :)

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